
Flavia Benetazzo, Professional Engineer

  • Consulente italiano in proprietà industriale sezione Brevetti

  • Mandatario accreditato presso l’Ufficio Brevetti Europeo

  • Patent Litigator

  • Mandatario accreditato presso l’Ufficio per i Design Comunitari

  • Ingegnere iscritta all’albo degli Ingegneri Industriali di Chieti

Eng. Flavia Benetazzo started her own business after several years of experience accumulated working in the Industrial and Intellectual Property sector. Eng. Flavia Benetazzo is an Italian Patent Consultant registered in the Professional Register and subject to the rules of the Code of Conduct and Discipline. Eng. Flavia Benetazzo is qualified to act before the Italian Patent and Trademark Office (UIBM) on behalf of its clients. Eng. Flavia Benetazzo is also a European Design Attorney.   The firm of Eng. Flavia Benetazzo is a modern and progressive firm in the field of Industrial and Intellectual property consultancy. Eng. Flavia Benetazzo is continuously updated on the latest news in the Industrial and Intellectual property sector, in order to provide the customers with efficient, competent and accurate services. Eng. Flavia Benetazzo personally takes care of relations with her customers. Only through knowledge and direct dialogue with customers it is possible to identify their needs, understand their innovative ideas and find ways to better protect these ideas.



  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer and Automation Engineering;
  • Specialized Degree in Industrial Automation Engineering with 110/110 cum laude;
  • PhD in Engineering at the Università Politecnica delle Marche, Department of Information Engineering (DII).

Qualifications and professional qualifications

  • Italian Patent Attorney registered in the Register of Industrial Property Consultants (sec. Patents);
  • European Design Attorney;
  • Industrial Engineer registered in the Register of Industrial Engineers of Chieti.


  • English
  • French
  • Spanish